Chords and discordant in Heredia’s The Conquerors


  • Claude Zilberberg CNRS. Co-responsable del Seminario Intersemiótico de París.



semiotic modes, evolution, getting to, supervening, blurred opposition


Taking as point of departure the categories that belong to the tensive hypothesis (semiotic modes, values and valences), it is possible to describe the evolution of an admitted opposition. In Heredia’s sonnet The Conquerors, the tension between the thematic roles of the conqueror and the viewer, the first guided by the getting to, the second by the supervening, the disagreement between the thematic roles is progressively blurred. This vanishment establishes the dominance of the getting to in detriment of the supervening.


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Author Biography

Claude Zilberberg, CNRS. Co-responsable del Seminario Intersemiótico de París.

CNRS. Co-responsable del Seminario Intersemiótico de París.


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How to Cite

Zilberberg, C. (2016). Chords and discordant in Heredia’s The Conquerors. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(30), 119–136.