Semiotic of action: textualization and notation


  • Maria Giulia Dondero Universidad de Lieja. 3 Place Cockerill, B.4000 Lieja, Bélgica. Teléfono: (32) 436 659 46.



enunciation, text, practice, textualization, notation


Our essay focuses on some epistemological and methodological issues concerning the semiotic that were not solved yet, mainly the questions related to the more or less pertinent instruments according to analysis of the semiotic practices. We will initially retrace the debate about the epistemological relationship between text and action, outlining the forms of enunciative praxis through different levels of pertinence analysis (e.g. utterance, enunciation).

Secondly, we propose the concept of “textualization” as mediation between text and action (photographs, videos, notes) that organizes and represents practices, which are in themselves ephemeral and elusive. Finally, it seeks investigation of that we call “notation”. This analytical form of mediation between text and practice works like an ex-post reconstruction of practices, which highlights the patterns of gestures and exchanges.

A more general aim of this essay is an enquiry into the legitimate objects of semiotics by means this question: what are the objects that semiotics can analyze without betraying its principle of immanence, but also without being confined to texts and, as a consequence, being unable to respond to topical questions on social issues.


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Author Biography

Maria Giulia Dondero, Universidad de Lieja. 3 Place Cockerill, B.4000 Lieja, Bélgica. Teléfono: (32) 436 659 46.

Investigadora (fnrs/frs) y profesora de la Universidad de Lieja.


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How to Cite

Dondero, M. G. (2015). Semiotic of action: textualization and notation. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(33), 101–130.