Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining: a system of colors and passions


  • Omar Calabrese Universidad de Siena.



Through a general assessment of the levels of expression displayed by The Shining (United Kingdom-U.S.A., 1980), a film directed by Stanley Kubrick, this article intends to demonstrate just how the emergence of a complex chromatic system —articulated by particularly strong chromatic contrasts— contributes to the onset of an equally dense passion-system. Special attention is given to the semi-symbolic machinery generated by the intertwining of expression and content through the appearance of a whole series of plastic formants that, throughout the enunciation, are linked to certain passionate figures, amongst them madness, frenzy, and horror.


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Author Biography

Omar Calabrese, Universidad de Siena.

Profesor en la Universidad de Siena.


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How to Cite

Calabrese, O. (2016). Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining: a system of colors and passions. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(28), 63–78.