Practices of Spatial Appropriation and Narrativity in Architecture


  • Bruno Chuk University of Buenos Aires



rhythm, modulation, ritual


The convergent link, although not coincident nor equally, between
social practices of spatial appropriation and architectural
discourse, morphoplastic support of such practice, is understood
and explained from a topological key: the two modes of equivalence
between topological groups that expose the combinatorial
topology, homeomorphisms / homotopy. This pair replicates its
spatiotemporal forms of rubber in the temporality immanent to
the practice (sites / rituals) in the immanent temporality of the
architectural rhythm of its syntax, in the plane of the discursive
manifestation (gestalt typical of simultaneity / gestalt rhythmic
succession), and in the time of the story narrated by the architectural
text (environmental figures of descriptive function / modal
figures and objects of desire of the narrative process). Such a
link, which happens only in this semiosis, allows access to the
particular conditions presented by the morphoplastic speech
in terms of the modal semantics of their rhythms and tensile
modulations, a topic addressed in Semiotics of the Passions,
and in turn the central theme for Architectural Morphology and
Project Theory.


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Author Biography

Bruno Chuk, University of Buenos Aires



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How to Cite

Chuk, B. (2017). Practices of Spatial Appropriation and Narrativity in Architecture. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(37), 187–213.