Believing and creed in Arabic language


  • Manar Hammad ESIT, University of Paris 3



believing, Arabic, religion, action


This paper explores various expressions of believing and creed
in Arabic language. It starts from the content defined in French
language and restricts its field to the religious use of the term,
excluding juridical and scientific uses. The French semiotic use
that designates by croire a c ognitive m odality i s n ot a ttested
in Arabic, where believing is an act, the enunciation of belief
is an act, and the proof of belief is an act. Action is the key to
the entire system of values operating in Arabic language on the
religious isotopy.
Built upon a series of concepts related to each other by
relations of contrariety, contradiction or confirmation, this
exploration does not relate to a given continuous discourse
object but rather to lexemes that are decomposed into semes
and into actantial syntaxic structures in conformity with the
greimassian narrative semiotic model.


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Author Biography

Manar Hammad, ESIT, University of Paris 3

Profesor e investigador



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How to Cite

Hammad, M. (2017). Believing and creed in Arabic language. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(36), 47–69.