Immanence: Semiotic vanishing line


  • Alessandro Zinna Universidad de Toulouse II.



modes of existence, transcendental empiricism, manifestation, immanence.


This study provides an outlook into the principle of immanence
by including it in a current of thought that began in Greece and
later led to the philosophy of Deleuze. Hjelmslev’s structuralism
and Greimas’ semiotics have provided the basis for including
the sciences of language along this historical and theoretical
vanishing line.
When rereading the main passages of Prolegomena, we find
no exclusion of substance or transcendence, but rather a proposed
synthesis in two tenses that moves from form to substance to
distinguish what is inherent from what is accidental in the phenomenon
of language. Recent developments in semiotics have
permitted the inclusion of that which was seemingly excluded
from the structural hypothesis: subject, praxis, experience and
factual reality. Based on this research, objections raised to the
principle of immanence are countered by the transcendental empiricism
of Deleuze’s philosophy, which can reconcile semiotics
of the subject with that of the object, a theory of haecceity and
singularity with that of constants and generality on a foundation
that still defines itself as immanent.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Zinna, Universidad de Toulouse II.

Profesor en el Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje en la
Universidad de Toulouse II.


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How to Cite

Zinna, A. (2016). Immanence: Semiotic vanishing line. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(31), 19–47.