Echo and rattle in Juan Gelman poetry


  • Raquel Guzmán Universidad Nacional de Salta.



poem, voice, echo, rattle, language


Juan Gelman’s poetic works, compiled in Poesía reunida (2012), constitute a complex poetic universe that requires studies that take into consideration the different variables put in play. This work is part of one larger project that seeks to analyze the polyhedral and polyphonic character of a central production of Argentine poetry; this time taking into account the perception of the work as a jungle of sounds. Review of various studies about rhythm and voice guides us to propose notions of eco and rattle as access lines to a poetry that explores the multiple possibilities of language.


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Author Biography

Raquel Guzmán, Universidad Nacional de Salta.

Profesora en la Universidad Nacional de Salta.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, R. (2016). Echo and rattle in Juan Gelman poetry. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(30), 103–117.