From the soldiers of Year II to the soldiers of Year XV: an argumentative analysis of the word war


  • Marion Carel EHESS



war, poetry, lexical items,


What can text analysis expect from analysis of words? Obviously,
texts are made up of words, hence establishing the meaning of
the words that compose them helps text interpretation. But how
could one imagine to describe every word of a text? The argumentative
analysis presented here proposes to limit the description
to certain words: not to the most frequent ones but to those
which meaning structures the text (according to the interpreter).
Given that words are associated by the Semantic Blocks Theory
to argumentative schemes, it is possible to show how the text is
organized following those schemes, realizing them, adding other
schemes, and, finally, forgetting some others.


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Author Biography

Marion Carel, EHESS

Research and teaching


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How to Cite

Carel, M. (2016). From the soldiers of Year II to the soldiers of Year XV: an argumentative analysis of the word war. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(35), 23–50.